• Safe Opening Pictures from Hurricane Katrina
GSA Specialists including re-inspection Bonded & Insured Proud member of the following Associations Safe & Vault Technicians Association National Safemans Organization Associated Locksmiths of America Clearstar Security Network
High Security/Jeweler's Safes
High security/Jeweler's
safes are a whole different breed. They are made to withstand particularly
brutal burglary attacks and still protect their contents. They are high dollar
items. Purchasing a jeweler's safe means investing a lot of money. Prices
of $5,000 to $20,000 are common but can go as high as $100,000. Unlike the banking
industry where a vast
Each manufacturer has their own special designs, but all have one thing in common, several layers of protection. These layers consist of combination locks, high security key locks, hard plates, glass plates, deflector plates and relockers, just to name a few. Each designed to thwart even the most horrific attacks. While jeweler's safes are relatively dependable, lock outs do occur. Lost combinations, lost keys and burglary attempts are the most common causes.
Here at
Protection Lock we have extensive experience servicing, opening and repairing
high security jeweler's safes, and depending on
Picking high
security locks is not easy, we have spent many years perfecting our techniques
and So when the day comes when your high security safe doesn't open. You need to call us. Please, don't make a hard job even worse by hiring an unqualified person. Rely on a proven company with experience and know how. Protection Lock!
Send mail to
safecrac@aol.com with
questions or comments about this web site.